
To visualize ROSETTA data, you have to export the relevant structures to a format some external visualization engine can read. For example, decision tables can be exported to Matlab, and indiscernibility graphs can be exported to a format understood by the GraphViz suite of graph layout programs.

Command Line Scripts

Command scripts are an invaluable tool for automation of tasks, especially in a cross-validation setting. Command scripts can be run both from within the ROSETTA GUI as well as from the command-line version of ROSETTA. A small example of how to do the latter is available.

Note that command scripts can be used for other purposes than cross-validation, too. For example, to automate data conversion: % Test script, showing how one can convert
% from import format to internal format.

% Create an empty table...
{OUTPUT = DecisionTable}
% ...fill it with data...
{FILENAME = s:/datasets/samples/iris/iris.import.ros}
% ...and save it.
{FILENAME = s:/datasets/samples/iris/iris.converted.ros}
or to randomly split a table in two: % Test script, showing how one can do some hairy
% stuff that the simple scripting language was not
% really intended to support. We don't have variables,
% so we use the file system instead... Ugly as hell,
% but it works.

% Create an empty table...
{OUTPUT = DecisionTable}
% ...fill it with data...
{FILENAME = s:/datasets/samples/iris/iris.import.ros}
% ...split it randomly in two halves. Append the two halves as children tables.
{SEED = 123; FACTOR = 0.5; APPEND = T}
% the original table with the two children...
{FILENAME = s:/datasets/samples/iris/iris.3tables.ros}
% ...kidnap one of the children...
{INDEX = 0}
% the one child...
{FILENAME = s:/datasets/samples/iris/iris.half0.ros}
% ...load back all three tables...
{FILENAME = s:/datasets/samples/iris/iris.3tables.ros}
% ...kidnap the other child...
{INDEX = 1}
% ...and save that child...
{FILENAME = s:/datasets/samples/iris/iris.half1.ros}

Configuration File

To a modest degree, ROSETTA can be configured through a small configuration file: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This is a Rosetta configuration file.
% Name this file "rosetta.cfg" and
% place it in the same directory as
% the Rosetta executable.

% Size of font in grid views.
GUI::FontSize = 8

% Append output text files as icons in the project tree?
GUI::AppendFiles = true

% Show attribute types in decision table grid views?
GUI::ShowTypes = false

% Show attribute units in decision table grid views?
GUI::ShowUnits = true

% Verbose progress messages?
Kernel::VerboseMessages = true

% Size of buffer used for loading long lines of text.
% DEFAULT = 10240
Kernel::IOKit::BufferSize = 50000


HypoClass is a small utility program for statistical hypothesis testing for binary outcome classifiers, available as part of the ROSETTA distribution. Currently, the program HypoClass can perform:

Input to HypoClass are two ASCII files that adhere to the syntax defined below, one file for each classifier. Blank lines and lines that start with a '%' character are ignored. Make sure the two files describe the classifiers applied to the same set of objects. Each line of data describes the classifier's output for a single case/object. Each line of data has the following format: Actual Output [Key [...]] If it is flagged that the column order is swapped, the line format is: Output Actual [Key [...]]


CurveClass is a small utility program for creating and saving various curves for binary outcome classifiers, available as part of the ROSETTA distribution. Currently, the program creates ROC curves and calibration curves.

Input to CurveClass is an ASCII file in the same format as for the HypoClass program.